Enclosure Movement: Dwelling and Embodiment
This work represents a deeply personal account of land, home and belonging through textile material exploration. Natural wild spaces are referenced and reimagined to create new visual stories. Sculptural wearables are designed for mimetic role-play (performances) and physical contact with the human body. With these works, Carew reenacts what it means to dwell from the perspective of wildlife in the Ontario farmlands close to her childhood family home.
The Weight Digital Print, 34” x 46” 2016
Autumn Weight Digital Print, 34” x 46” 2016
I Am A Woolly Aphid
Digital Print, 38” x 28” 2015
Woolly Aphids Love Apple Trees
Digital Print. Deconstructed Textile, Mixed Media 2015
I Am A Woolly Aphid (Head Piece)
Deconstructed Textiles, Mixed Media 2015
Moth Balls (Hand Weights)
Repurposed Textile, Wool, Embroidery Thread 2016
Fabrication references: The Basswood Leafroller Moth and the Spotted Grass Moth
Moth Balls (Hand Weights)
Repurposed Textiles, Wool, Embroidery Thread 2016
Meadow Mushrooms
Digital Print. Felted Wool Wearable, 32” x 42” 2015
Meadow Mushrooms #2
Digital Print. Felted Wool Wearable, 32” x 40” 2015
Dreamscape Blanket
Performance 2016
Land mimicry featuring Ontario fallow farmland ecosystems.
Dreamscape Blanket, House Installation
Enclosure Movement: Comparative Dwelling and Embodiment Exhibition
Dreamscape Blanket
Video Installation (Photo), Experimental Media Room, Graduate Gallery, OCAD University, Toronto
Cocooning Installation
Felted Wool, Repurposed Table Cloth. Fabrication Reference: Unidentified Moth 2015
Digital Print, 42” x 30.5” 2015
The Basement Spider
Gall Bodies (For Head and Hands)
Repurposed Curtains, Wire, Pillow Fluff 2016
Fabrication Reference: Goldenrod Galls
The Eleven Numbered Treaties (We're Here To Help)
Found Tree Branches, Repurposed Blanket and Cushions, Gold Fabric, Embroidery, 2016
Natural Resource Extraction and Wealth Acquisition at the Expense of Indigenous Peoples in Canada