Very Little Rugs
Details for Lowbush Bluberries Sculpture
Lowbush Blueberries, Topographies Series (Detail)
Creating a relief sculpture using a combination of synthetic metallic textiles and repurposed cotton bed sheets.
The Back Side
Hand Spinning Dyed Wool with Sumac
Using the DIZZY top whorl spindle, designed and made in studio.
Some smalls ready to add to In The Sumac (Land Mimicry Mask)
Hand hooked repurposed textiles, whip stitched wool yarn, glass beads.
Trout Skin Tanning Bath
Hand Tanned Salmon Leather
Spawning Capelin (Topographies Series) 2021
Hand hooked rug wearable featuring beached capelin fish and eggs.
Some Nice Prince Edward County Murino Wool
Elderberry Harvest For Natural Wool Dying
Prepping Canadian Goldenrod For Natural Wool Dying
Colour Swatches for Natural Dyes
Wool Carding